Quantum Origins Energy Healing
From the atoms that make up the Universe to our each and every thought and emotion, all things are energetic vibrations. Each emotion & thought has its own unique energetic vibration whereas negative emotions, such as shame, guilt, and anxiety vibrate at a low frequency. The energetic blueprint left in our bodies from negative emotional events from the past can create energetic chaos in the body which can then lead to chronic physical and emotional ailments. Energy healing allows us to free this "stuck" energy so that you can raise your energetic vibration back to one of true wellness.
The mission of Quantum Origins is to help ease the physical and emotional suffering of others using the most natural means possible. Owner, Kim Condurso, is a former chemist turned certified energy practitioner of Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Quantum Touch, and AO Scan Technology. By identifying and releasing energy blockages caused by "Emotional Baggage", bodily imbalances (ie. misalignments, misaligned body systems, toxins, pathogens), faulty belief systems and more, the innate ability of the body to self-heal becomes possible. Having a background in science, her relentless quest of curiosity has led her to find out how it is possible for one of the most fundamental of scientific principles, energy, to promote optimal wellness. Although its roots are ancient, science is now better able to explain how and why energy healing is so effective at improving the root cause of many physical and/or emotional ailments.