Healers Universe
Discover Your True Self, Your Unique Way, Your Soul's Destiny!
Discover the Universe Within process is an advanced accelerated method encompassing the All of You – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically so that change can be permanent.
Through an interactive, cooperative process in and out of altered states, we search for clues and signs in the conscious and unconscious self, the body and the entire energy system which holds the sum total of all information accumulated in this life and other existences.
As we delve deeper into the levels of the field, Time and Space become more fluid enabling portals and vortices to open allowing both here and there, now and then to be experienced simultaneously.
In this process of re-membering pieces of the Self previously relegated to the unconscious, inner and outer conditions definitively and permanently change.
Clients experience physical, mental, emotional, creative, intuitive/psychic and spiritual expansion, living with more joy, ease and fulfillment within a relatively short period of time.
Enabling you to shapeshift into your True Self and shift the shape of your life into what you dream it can be!